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Children's Sunday School - 9:45 am (after Children's Message during 9:30 service)

Grace Church Children’s Sunday School is available for ages 3 through grade 12. We use the Orange CurriculumFirst Look for Preschool and Kindergarten and 252 Basics for elementary age classes. The Orange Strategy aligns leaders and parents to create community around a timeless message that mobilizes the next generation to love God and serve others. We provide Sunday School classes covering Bible story basics, with a focus on promoting social, emotional, and spiritual growth. Grace Church follows the United Methodist Church Safe Sanctuaries Policy. Our teachers have completed child abuse and criminal background checks according to the policy. All teachers and substitutes are active in other children’s activities in the community, such as youth sports, 4-H, Girl Scouts, and some are teachers in the school district. We encourage you to consider Grace Church for your family’s faith journey! Please contact Meghan at (814)723-9440 or with any questions or for more information.

Preschool (3 & 4-year-olds) - Clemens Room - Teacher: Meghan Brooker

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade - Thoburn Room - Teacher: Laura Phillips

3rd - 5th Grade - Barnard Room - Teacher: Melinda Johnson; Substitute: Amanda Slattery

6th - 12th Grade - Gilfillan Room - Teacher: Nicki Egger; Substitute: Ray Toombs

Adult Sunday School - 9:30 am - Winger Parlor

The Agape class will begin a new study on Sunday, February 23 by Chip Ingram titled The Real Heaven.

The Agape class meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 am in the Winger Parlor located off the

foyer at the front of the church.

When you think of Heaven what do you imagine it will be like? Chip Ingram uses scripture

to reveal what our heavenly home will be like. What will we do there, what will we experience,

and how do we prepare for eternity today?

All are welcome to join the group for this study; however, if you have not been a regular attendee,

please contact the church office or Lois Strycula at This way we will be

sure to have sufficient study guides.


Copyright 2025, Grace United Methodist Church, Warren, PA

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